
【Eat Your Way Fit】Pork chop with orange sauce (Chinese)

Boneless pork chop 400g
Green, red, yellow bell pepper half pc each
Fresh orange juice  100ml
Apple cider vinegar 2 Tbsp
Soy sauce  2 tsp
Sugar 4 tsp
Cornstarch 2 tsp
Garlic 1/2 tsp
Grounded Ginger 1/2 tsp
Water  2 Tbsp



  1. Slice bell peppers.
  2. Heat up 2 tsp oil in a pan, pan fry pork chop until done, set aside.
  3. Heat up 2 tsp oil in another pan, stir fry bell pepper.
  4. Add in the sauce, cook until thicken and add in fried pork chop. Mix well and serve.