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Quinoa Salad with Prawns and Pomelos

(2 Servings)


Quinoa 2 tbsp
Prawn 150g
Pomelo 250g
Crushed Peanut 1 tbsp
Garlic 3 pieces
Shallot 1 piece
Lime Juice 2 tbsp
Fish Sauce 1 tsp
Hot Pepper 1 piece
Basil 1 tbsp
Stevia 1 tbsp
Salt 1/3 tsp
Pepper Suitable Amount
Cilantro Suitable Amount



1. Cook the quinoa in boiling water for 10 minutes.Then, off the fire. Soak the quinoa in bowl for 10 minutes. Drain the water and set aside.

2. Devein, clean and drain the prawns. Season the prawns with salt and pepper for 5 minutes.

3. Cook the prawns in water until pink seen on the outside and no longer translucent in the center. Drain the prawns and set aside.

4. Flake the pomelos into small pieces.

5. Crush the garlic. Shred the shallot, basil, hot pepper and cilantro.

6. In a bowl, mix the lime juice, fish sauce, stevia, chopped garlic, shallot, basil, hot pepper and cilantro into sauce.

7. Add all ingredients into a bowl, add sauce and mix well. Sprinkle with crushed peanut.

Sake Poached Clam

 (2 Servings)


Ingredients :






Low Fat Chicken Broth  


Hot Pepper 

1 piece


1 tsp


1/3 tsp

Green Onion  

Suitable Amount


Suitable Amount


Directions : 

1. Chop green onion, ginger, hot pepper and set aside.

2. Heat the pot, add the chicken broth, sake, the chopped green onion and ginger, then cook with lid.

3. Add the clams and cook with lid for 3 minutes until all clam shells open.

4. Add salt (taste first). Decorate with hot pepper.

Pepper Roasted Herb Snapper

 (4 Servings)


Ingredients :
Snapper 1 piece (350 g)
Coarse salt  200g
Flour 60g
Water Suitable Amount
Thyme, Rosemary 1.5 tbsp each
Lemon/Lime 1 piece



1. Remove snapper organs and fins. Keep fish scales. Rinse and drain the snapper well.

2. In a bowl, mix the coarse salt, flour, thyme and rosemary. Add small amount of water and stir into salt pulp.

3. Put part of the moisten salt paste evenly on parchment paper.Place the snapperabove the paste. Lay the rest of moisten salt paste on the snapper.

4. Place the lemon slices over the snapper. Wrap the snapper with parchment paper well.

5. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Bake the snapper in oven for 15minutes.



1. Snapper can be replaced with mullet, bass or trout.

2. Remove fish skin before serving.Squeeze lemon juice over fish for better savouring.

Steamed Turnip cake

(4 servings) (293 kcal/Serving)




White radish


Glutinous rice flour


Water chestnut starch


Lean Char Siu


Dried shrimps

1/2 tablespoon

Dried scallops

1/2 tablespoon


3 teaspoons



Green onion (chopped)

Appropriate amount





Oyster Sauce

1 tablespoon

Sesame oil

1 teaspoon


1 teaspoon


1/3 teaspoon


Appropriate amount



  1. Peel and wash the white radish, slice (about 1 cm thickness) and cut into strips for use. Diced the lean Char Siu for use. Soak dried scallops and dried shrimps with warm water. Tear the softened scallops apart into very thin strips after soaking. Leave 100ml of soaking water for use.
  2. Steam the white radish strips over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in frying pan, stir fry the lean Char Siu, half of the dried shrimp, half of the dried scallops for a few minutes. Then add the white radish strips, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce and stir well.
  4. Sieve the glutinous rice flour and water chestnut starch. Add 100 ml of water, 100 ml of soaking waterinto the flour and mix well. Add 1/3 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sweetener and some pepper into the flour mixture to taste. Gradually add the cooked radish strips into the flour mixture to avoid the overheating of the mixture.
  5. Pour the flour mixture into the 8-inch round aluminum foil pan. Sprinkle the remaining shrimp and scallops on top of the mixture. Steam it for one hour. Sprinkle the chopped green onion on top of the turnip cake.
Pad Thai

 (2 servings) (358 kcal / Serving)




Thai rice noodles






White bean curd


Bean sprout


Chinese chives

Half bowl


4 cloves



Red chili


Thai Basil

6 pieces







Sriracha chili sauce

20 ml(about 1.3 tablespoons)

Fish sauce

1.5 teaspoons

Lime (for squeezing juice)



1 teaspoon

Dried red shrimps

1 teaspoon


2 teaspoons



  1. Soak theThai rice noodles for half an hour, drain the water and set aside.
  2. Mince the garlic, dried shallotsand the red chili; Slice the white bean curds; Cut the Chinese chives into sections.
  3. Mix the Sriracha chili sauce, fish sauce, lime juice and sweetener to make a Pad Thai sauce.
  4. Heat 1 teaspoon of oilin a frying pan over a medium heat,sauté the garlic,  shallots, red chili and white beans until fragile; Beat the eggand stir-fry in the pan; Stir-fry the shrimps until half-cooked; Add a teaspoon of oil, stir-fry theThai rice noodles; Add the Pad Thai Sauce, bean sprouts and Chinese chives and quick stir; Turn off the heat, add Thai basil and sprinkle some dried red shrimps on top; Cut half a lime and put it besides the Pad Thai noodles.
Pumpkin and Chicken Risotto

(2 servings)


Pumpkin 140g
Chicken 160g
Arboriorice 100 g
Low sodium chicken broth 750 ml
White wine 20 ml
Low fat butter 2 teaspoons
Olive oil 1 teaspoon
Onion 1/3
Red Chili Pepper 1/4
Rosemary Appropriate Amount
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Black Pepper Appropriate Amount



  1. Preheat the oven at 190 °C.
  2. Cut 1/2 of pumpkin into small cubes (about 1x1x1 cm) and cut the remaining pumpkin into large cubes (about 2x2x2 cm); Cut the chicken into pieces; Cut the onion into small squares; Remove the seeds of red chili pepper and cut into pieces.
  3. Marinate the chicken with 1/4 teaspoon of salt and some black pepper. Bake chopped pumpkin in an oven for 15 minutes until the pumpkin softens. At the same time, bring the low-sodium chicken broth to a gentle boil then set aside.
  4. Heat 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat,fry the chicken pieces until it is browned and then set them aside.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of low-fat butter, 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and sauté the onion to soft and transparent. Stir in chili and rosemary.
  6. Add the Arborio rice and stir-fry for a few minutes over medium low heat; add 20 ml of white wine, stirring all the time and allowing the wine to evaporate.; Add 1/3 of the chicken brothto the pan, stir and cook for 3-4 minutes. Stir in 1/3 of the chicken soup and cook for another 3-4minutes. Finally, stir in the remaining broth, add the sautéed chicken and roasted pumpkin cubes into the pan, cook for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Season with 1/4 teaspoon of salt and some black pepper to taste. Cook the rice until it is ‘al dente’.
  8. Removefrom the heat, stir in the butter and cover the pot for 3 minutes, then it is ready to serve.
Japanese Rice Balls with Grilled Salmon and Vegetables

(2 servings)





2 bowls




4 tablespoons


4 tablespoons

Seaweed (for sushi)

2 pieces


1 teaspoon





Reduced Salt Soy Sauce

4 teaspoons

Rice Wine

2 tablespoons


1 teaspoon

Black Pepper

Appropriate amount



  1. Boil a pot of hot water, cook the carrots and broccolis. Let them cool down before finely chopping them.   
  2. Heat 1/2 teaspoon of oil in a frying pan over a medium heat, add salmon and pan-fry it to golden brown color then cut into pieces.
  3. Add the cooked carrots, broccoli and salmon pieces to the rice and mix them well.
  4. Place 1/3 bowl of mixed rice on top of a piece of plastic paper about 1 square foot, then wrap it up and make the rice ball into a triangular shape.
  5. Mix the KIKKOMAN Reduced Salt Soy Sauce, rice wine, and sweetener into a sauce.
  6. Heat the frying pan, add 1/2 teaspoon of oil and brush it evenly on the pan. Fry the rice balls until both sides have lightly turned brown.
  7. Brush the sauce onto the rice balls and fry it to golden brown color; turn over the other side and repeat the same step.
  8. Finally, stick the seaweed onto the rice ball and it is ready to serve.
Malaysian Grilled Chicken Skewers with Satay Sauce

(2 servings total)




Chicken Fillets


Bell Peppers (Red, Green, Yellow)

Each Color 1/3





Smoked Paprika

A pinch


A pinch

Red Onion (Diced)

2 teaspoons


2 teaspoons

Lemon Grass (Finely chopped)

2 teaspoons




Reduced Fat Peanut Butter

1 tablespoon

Reduced Fat Coconut Milk

2 tablespoons

Turmeric Powder

1 teaspoon

Five Spice Powder

1/4 teaspoon

Lemon Juice

1/4 teaspoon


1 teaspoon


1/2 teaspoon



1. Preheat the oven to 250 °C.

2. Remove the seeds of the bell peppers, wash them and cut into pieces. Wash the onion and cut into pieces. Divide the chicken fillets into pieces and marinate them for 20 minutes.

3. Mix the ingredients to make the Satay sauce.

4. Thread the chicken pieces, bell peppers and onion on each skewer. Brush the chicken pieces with the Satay sauce.

5. Place the skewers in the oven for about 10 minutes or until cooked through. Serve with satay sauce.

Matcha Egg Custard, Purple Sweet Potato Snowy Mooncake

(10 servings total) (147kcal /Serving)


Matcha Outer Dough:



7 g

Glutinous rice flour

12 g

Rice flour




Skim milk

65 ml


1 tsp

Matcha powder

5 g (about 1/2 tbsp)



Purple Sweet Potato Dough:



7 g

Glutinous rice flour

12 g

Rice flour




Skim milk

65 ml


1 tsp

Purple Potato Powder

5g (about 1/2 tbsp)



Custard Filling:


Low gluten flour


Custard powder




Egg mixture


Reduced fat coconut milk






Purple Sweet Potato Filling:


Purple Sweet Potato




Coconut flakes






50g Mooncake mold


Powder brush


Mooncake boxes


Cooked glutinous rice flour






Outer dough:

  1. Mix and sieve the purple sweet potato and matcha outer doughingredients separately. Cover it with plastic wrap separately and steam for about 10 minutes to form 2 doughs.
  2. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place in a refrigerator for later use.


Egg custard filling:

  1. Sieve the low-gluten flour and custard powder, add thesweetener and mix well.
  2. Stir in egg mixture and reduced fat coconut milk and mix well. Then, add in the butter and mix well too.
  3. Place the mixture in a tray, cover with plastic wrap, steam over medium heat for about 5-10 minutes, or until fully cooked.
  4. After letting it cool down, put it in the refrigerator for later use.


Purple sweet potato filling:

  1. Cut the sweet purple potato into small pieces and put it in a dish. Steam for about 15 minutes over high heat until it is cooked. Add the rest of the ingredients, mashand mix it well.
  2.  After letting it cool down, put it in the refrigerator for later use.



  1. Brush the mooncake powder in the mooncake box and the mooncake mold, and set aside.
  2. Divide the fillings into 5 parts and knead them into 5 balls (about 25 grams per serving).
  3. Divide the outer dough into 5 parts and knead them into 5 balls (about 25 grams per serving).
  4. Take oneouter dough ball, flatten it, wrap one filling ball and seal it.
  5. Put the mooncake into the mold, put it on the plate and press it gently for 1-2 times, then demold carefully.
  6. Brush the mooncake powder over the mooncake mold and repeat steps 4-5 until all materials are used up.