WFH can only mean Work From Home?
Have you ever thought about Weight-loss From Home?!
Online weight loss program features (contactable via phone, WhatsApp, WeChat, Zoom, etc.):
1. Nutritionist closely monitors progress every week.
2. Multiple recipes available for download ?.
3. Online low-calorie food list for easy reference.
Enjoy a 20% discount by participating in the current online program.
Fill out the form and receive a free “Weight and Health Assessment” session (valued at $218).
WFH 只可以係Work From Home?
有無諗過可以係Weight-loss From Home?!
Online減肥計劃特色 (可透過電話、WhatsApp、WeChat、Zoom等聯絡):
- 營養師每星期緊密跟進
- 多款食譜可供下載?
- 網上低卡食品清單,一目了然
Ho Ting: 「近來量血壓及體脂時, 數字已在標準範圍內了。 減肥後的我,走路時步伐輕盈,能選擇自己喜愛的衣服,朋友都說,我比減肥前更顯自信。」
Terms and Conditions / 優惠條款:
1. This promotion is only applicable to new customers of MSL. 此優惠只適合〈米施洛〉新客戶。
2. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。
3. In case of any disputes, MSL reserves the right to make the final decision. 如有任何爭議,〈米施洛〉享最終決定權。
4. Promotion valid until 30/11/2023. 優惠期至30/11/2023。