
Pepper Roasted Herb Snapper

 (4 Servings)


Ingredients :
Snapper 1 piece (350 g)
Coarse salt  200g
Flour 60g
Water Suitable Amount
Thyme, Rosemary 1.5 tbsp each
Lemon/Lime 1 piece



1. Remove snapper organs and fins. Keep fish scales. Rinse and drain the snapper well.

2. In a bowl, mix the coarse salt, flour, thyme and rosemary. Add small amount of water and stir into salt pulp.

3. Put part of the moisten salt paste evenly on parchment paper.Place the snapperabove the paste. Lay the rest of moisten salt paste on the snapper.

4. Place the lemon slices over the snapper. Wrap the snapper with parchment paper well.

5. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Bake the snapper in oven for 15minutes.



1. Snapper can be replaced with mullet, bass or trout.

2. Remove fish skin before serving.Squeeze lemon juice over fish for better savouring.